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Erectile Dysfunction

50% of men between the ages of 40 to 70 suffer from some degree of erectile dysfunction.

This can cause significant psychological stress, but help is at hand. There are a wide range of treatment options for erectile dysfunction which include the use of tablet medication (PDE5 Inhibitors), penile injections or topically applied creams. Often baseline investigations (blood tests for cholesterol, testosterone and blood sugar levels) as well as tablet’s are started by GP’s. Further investigations are rarely required but can be arranged if deemed necessary (duplex ultrasounds, NPT testing). The Vacuum Erection Device (VED) can be considered for penile exercise regimes and is an option for erectile dysfunction treatment that does not have the commonly associated side effects as with medications. Penile implant (which I specialise in) is a surgical option discussed in further detail in the implant section.

We also deal with:

  • low libido, low testosterone levels
  • ejaculatory dysfunction (premature, delayed or retrograde)
  • penile curvature (See Peyronies section)